Some Terminologies of Wines
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Cabernet Sauvignon (赤霞珠, 也作解百纳) |
1. Cabernet Sauvignon (赤霞珠,也作解百纳),是一种主要用于酿造葡萄酒的红葡萄,同莎当妮(Chardonnay)一并为世界上最为广泛栽培的葡萄品种。赤霞珠属欧亚种,原产法国波尔多。尽管成熟期长,产量低,但作为波尔多葡萄酒的一种主要类型,赤霞珠在世界各地广泛种植,是全世界最受欢迎的黑色酿酒葡萄,也是栽培历史最悠久的葡萄品种,早在古罗马时代(公元23-79年)就有栽培赤霞珠葡萄的记载。赤霞珠香气非常容易辨认,其酒香以黑色水果(如黑樱桃和李子等),植物性香(如青草和青椒)及烘焙香(如烟草,雪茄盒,香草,咖啡和烟熏味等)为主。其酿造的葡萄酒年轻时往往具有类似青椒、薄荷、黑醋栗、李子等果实香味,陈年后逐渐显现雪松、烟草、皮革、香菇气息。由赤霞珠酿造的葡萄酒,受葡萄采收时果实成熟度影响很大,当果实未完美成熟,会显现更明显的青椒以及植物性气味,相反,果实成熟完美,甚至是过熟状态,那么酿造的酒就会呈现出黑醋果酱气息,口感似果酱.
Cabernet Sauvignon (赤霞珠, 也作解百纳) is one of the world's most widely recognized red wine grape varieties. It is grown in nearly every major wine producing country among a diverse spectrum of climates from Canada'sOkanagan Valley to Lebanon's Beqaa Valley. Cabernet Sauvignon became internationally recognized through its prominence in Bordeaux wines where it is often blended with Merlot and Cabernet Franc. FromFrance, the grape spread across Europe and to the New World where it found new homes in places like California's Napa Valley, Australia's Coonawarra region and Chile's Maipo Valley. For most of the 20th century, it was the world's most widely planted premium red wine grape until it was surpassed by Merlot in the 1990s.
Cabernet Sauvignon (赤霞珠, 也作解百纳) is one of the world's most widely recognized red wine grape varieties. It is grown in nearly every major wine producing country among a diverse spectrum of climates from Canada'sOkanagan Valley to Lebanon's Beqaa Valley. Cabernet Sauvignon became internationally recognized through its prominence in Bordeaux wines where it is often blended with Merlot and Cabernet Franc. FromFrance, the grape spread across Europe and to the New World where it found new homes in places like California's Napa Valley, Australia's Coonawarra region and Chile's Maipo Valley. For most of the 20th century, it was the world's most widely planted premium red wine grape until it was surpassed by Merlot in the 1990s.
Despite its prominence in the industry, the grape is a relatively new variety, the product of a chance crossing between Cabernet franc and Sauvignon blanc during the 17th century in southwestern France. Its popularity is often attributed to its ease of cultivation - the grapes have thick skins and the vines are hardy and resistant to rot and frost - and to its consistent presentation of structure and flavours which express the typical character ("typicity") of the variety. Familiarity and ease of pronunciation have helped to sell Cabernet Sauvignon wines to consumers, even when from unfamiliar wine regions. Its widespread popularity has also contributed to criticism of the grape as a "colonizer" that takes over wine regions at the expense of native grape varieties.
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2. Chardonnay (莎当妮,又称霞多丽),属欧亚种,原产自法国勃艮第(Bourgogne)。1951年由匈牙利引入中国,是目前全世界最受欢迎的酿酒葡萄,属早熟型品种。霞多丽多用于酿造白葡萄酒,用它酿造的白葡萄酒颜色多为淡金色。Chardonnay的魅力在于其多变的风格和广泛的适应性,无论在任何气候条件下,她的质量还都不错。从寒凉的法国北部Chablis到炎热的阿根廷的Mendoza和南澳大利亚的Barossa Valley,Chardonnay可以呈现从带有柑橘类水果到充满热带水果和异国情调的不同风姿。她也是香槟和氣泡酒调和成分中最重要的一份子。
Malbec is a purple grape variety used in making red wine. The grapes tend to have an inky dark color and robust tannins, and are long known as one of the six grapes allowed in the blend of red Bordeaux wine. The French plantations of Malbec are now found primarily in Cahors in the South West France region. It is increasingly celebrated as an Argentine varietal wine and is being grown around the world.
6. 葡萄品种分为鲜食葡萄品种和酿酒葡萄品种,我们通常见到的葡萄均为鲜食葡萄。酿酒葡萄为Ampelidecese科,所有酿酒葡萄品种均属于Ampelidecese的10个科属中的Vitis科属,其中又以Vitis Vinifera种最为重要,因为全球的葡萄酒有99.99%均是使用Vitis Vinifera的葡萄品种酿造。Vitis Vinifera是目前欧洲用来制造上好葡萄酒的品种。全世界有超过8000种可以酿酒的葡萄品种,但可以酿制上好葡萄酒的葡萄品种只有50种左右,大约可以分为白葡萄和红葡萄两种。白葡萄,颜色有青绿色、黄色等,主要用来酿制气泡酒及白葡萄酒。红葡萄,颜色有黑、蓝、紫红、深红色,有果肉是深色的,也有果肉和白葡萄一样是无色的,所以白肉的红葡萄去皮榨汁之后可酿造白葡萄酒酒,例如Pinot Noir可用来酿造香槟及白葡萄酒。
a4.贵人香(Italian Riesling)
a5.李将军(Pinot Blanc)
a7.长相思(Sauvignon Blanc):别名白索维浓、苏维浓、缩维浓。
8.白诗南(Chenin Blanc):别名百诗难。
b2.佳丽酿 (Carignan)
b3.汉堡麝香 (Muscat Hamburg)
b4.赤霞珠赤霞珠 (Cabernet Sauvignon)
b5.蛇龙珠 (Cabernet Gernischt)
b6.品丽珠 (Cabernet Franc)
b7.黑品乐(Pinot Noir)
b8.梅洛(Merlot):别名 梅鹿汁。
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Chardonnay(莎当妮,又称霞多丽) |
Chardonnay is a green-skinned grape variety used to make white wine. It is originated from the Burgundy wine region of eastern France but is now grown wherever wine is produced, from England to New Zealand. For new and developing wine regions, growing Chardonnay is seen as a "rite of passage" and an easy segue into the international wine market.
The Chardonnay grape itself is very neutral, with many of the flavors commonly associated with the grape being derived from such influences as terroir and oak. It is vinified in many different styles, from the lean, crisply mineral wines of Chablis, France to New World wines with tropical fruit flavors and lots of oak.
Chardonnay is an important component of many sparkling wines around the world, including Champagne. A peak in popularity in the late 1980s gave way to a backlash among those wine drinkers who saw the grape as a leading negative component of the globalization of wine. Nonetheless, it remains one of the most widely-planted grape varieties, with over 160,000 hectares (400,000 acres) worldwide, second only to Airén among white wine grapes and planted in more wine regions than any other grape – including Cabernet Sauvignon.
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Merlot (梅洛, 也称作美露) |
3. Merlot (梅洛, 也称作美露)是一种葡萄。起源地是法国波尔多右岸,是法国最为广泛种植的葡萄品种。单品种梅洛酿的葡萄酒,通常有丝绒般柔和的口感,具有梅子气息,其陈酿成熟速度快于赤霞珠。梅洛的颜色比赤霞珠少了一些蓝黑的色调,皮更薄,单宁更少。相比赤霞珠而言,梅洛的果肉更甜,果酸更低。 梅洛酿造的葡萄酒其香气往往具有樱桃、草莓、黑莓以及桑椹的气息。用单品种梅洛酿造出来的新鲜型葡萄酒,呈漂亮的深宝石红带微紫色,果香浓郁,酒香优雅,酒质柔顺,早熟易饮。 梅洛生长在寒冷的土壤里,特别是在含铁量较高的粘土中。当梅洛藤遭受类似于霜冻的不良影响时,它反而往往会早芽,它薄薄的葡萄皮让它更容易腐烂。梅洛的一个明显特点是,它从半熟到完全成熟,有时候只需要几天时间。
Merlot is a red wine grape that is used as both a blending grape and for varietal wines. The name Merlot is thought to derive from the Old French word for young blackbird, merlot, a diminutive of merle, theblackbird (Turdus merula), probably from the color of the grape. Merlot-based wines usually have medium body with hints of berry, plum, and currant. Its softness and "fleshiness", combined with its earlier ripening, makes Merlot a popular grape for blending with the sterner, later-ripening Cabernet Sauvignon, which tends to be higher in tannin.
Along with Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Malbec and Petit Verdot, Merlot is one of the primary grapes in Bordeaux wine where it is the most widely planted grape. Merlot is also one of the most popular red wine varietals in many markets.[1] This flexibility has helped to make it one of the world's most planted grape varieties. As of 2004, Merlot was estimated to be the third most grown variety at 260,000 hectares (640,000 acres) globally, with an increasing trend.[2] This puts Merlot just behind Cabernet Sauvignon's 262,000 hectares (650,000 acres).
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Malbec (马尔贝克) |
4. Malbec (马尔贝克) 马尔贝克的故乡在法国,这个“黑色葡萄酒”有着光辉灿烂的历史。19世纪60年代初,一场葡萄根瘤蚜虫灾害席卷法国、蔓延欧洲,持续了近半个世纪之久,欧洲大陆的葡萄园遭到毁灭性的破坏,后经嫁接美国葡萄砧木才得以起死回生。而偏居“新大陆”的马尔贝克却躲过这场灾难,幸存下来。从这个意义上说,我们喝一杯阿根廷的马尔贝克,其实是在品尝一种失传的味道,也即150年前的葡萄酒的原始味道。
Malbec is a purple grape variety used in making red wine. The grapes tend to have an inky dark color and robust tannins, and are long known as one of the six grapes allowed in the blend of red Bordeaux wine. The French plantations of Malbec are now found primarily in Cahors in the South West France region. It is increasingly celebrated as an Argentine varietal wine and is being grown around the world.
Called Auxerrois or Côt Noir in Cahors, called Malbec in Bordeaux, and Pressac in other places, the grape became less popular in Bordeaux after 1956 when frost killed off 75% of the crop. Despite Cahors being hit by the same frost, which devastated the vineyards, Malbec was replanted and continued to be popular in that area where it was mixed with Merlot and Tannat to make dark, full-bodied wines, and more recently has been made into 100% Malbec varietal wines.
A popular but unconfirmed theory claims that Malbec is named after a Hungarian peasant who first spread the grape variety throughout France. However the French ampelographer and viticulturalist Pierre Galet notes that most evidence suggest that Côt was the variety's original name and that it probably originated in northern Burgundy. Despite a similar name, the grape Malbec argenté is not Malbec, but rather a variety of the southwestern French grape Abouriou. Due to the similarities in synonyms, Malbec has also been confused with Auxerrois blanc, which is an entirely different variety.
The Malbec grape is a thin-skinned grape and needs more sun and heat than either Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot to mature. It ripens mid-season and can bring very deep color, ample tannin, and a particular plum-like flavor component to add complexity to claret blends. Sometimes, especially in its traditional growing regions, it is not trellised and cultivated as bush vines (the goblet system). Here it is sometimes kept to a relatively low yield of about 6 tons per hectare. The wines are rich, dark and juicy.
As a varietal, Malbec creates a rather inky red (or violet), intense wine, so it is also commonly used in blends, such as with Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon to create the red French Bordeaux claret blend. The grape is blended with Cabernet Franc and Gamay in some regions such as the Loire Valley. Other wine regions use the grape to produce Bordeaux-style blends. The varietal is sensitive to frost and has a proclivity to shatter or coulure.
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5. Rioja 里奥哈Rioja专指葡萄酒产区,包括上里奥哈Rioja Alta,下里奥哈Rioja Baja,里奥哈阿拉韦萨Rioja Alavesa,和纳瓦拉Navarra的一小块。而拉里奥哈La Rioja专指行政区,在这个行政区内只包括上下里奥哈两个产区。里奥哈阿拉韦萨在行政上属于巴斯克地区的Alava省。里奥哈的葡萄酒在国际上享有很好的声誉,主要是它优秀的品质和大众般的价格。里奥哈的酿酒业前辈们已经挑选出最适宜的小块儿土地和最适合这里气候土壤的葡萄品种,并流传下来一套里奥哈特色的生产和陈放的方法。今天即便是已改进酿造工艺和生产设配的那些酒庄也依然保留着这些传统的东西。
Rioja is a wine, with Denominación de Origen Calificada (D.O.C. Qualified designation of origin) named after La Rioja, in Spain. Rioja is made from grapes grown not only in the Autonomous Community of La Rioja, but also in parts of Navarre and the Basque province of Álava. Rioja is further subdivided into three zones:Rioja Alta, Rioja Baja and Rioja Alavesa. Many wines have traditionally blended fruit from all three regions though there is a slow growth in single zone wines.
a1.龙眼(Long Yan)龙眼别名秋子、紫葡萄等,是我国古老的栽培品种。该品种适应性强,耐贮运。是酿造高级白葡萄酒的主要原料之一。酿制酒为淡黄色,酒香纯正,酒体细致,柔和爽口。
a4.贵人香(Italian Riesling)
a5.李将军(Pinot Blanc)
a7.长相思(Sauvignon Blanc):别名白索维浓、苏维浓、缩维浓。
8.白诗南(Chenin Blanc):别名百诗难。
b2.佳丽酿 (Carignan)
b3.汉堡麝香 (Muscat Hamburg)
b4.赤霞珠赤霞珠 (Cabernet Sauvignon)
b5.蛇龙珠 (Cabernet Gernischt)
b6.品丽珠 (Cabernet Franc)
b7.黑品乐(Pinot Noir)
b8.梅洛(Merlot):别名 梅鹿汁。
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